Sep 3, 2024 3:01:58 PM | Shoplazza News Shoplazza at eTail Boston: Connecting Retailers with Smart Solutions for Growth

eTail Boston 2024 brought fresh insights on retail trends: automation, omnichannel growth, and customer-centric experiences are the future.

As the crowd buzzed in the heart of Boston for eTail 2024, we were thrilled to represent #Shoplazza at #eTailBoston2024, where the top minds in retail and tech gathered in one lively hotspot in Beantown. While showcasing our latest solutions was a blast, the real highlight was connecting with retailers and hearing about their biggest challenges in today’s evolving retail landscape. We’ve rounded up our highlights and insights to give you the inside scoop on what we discovered at eTail.

A Hub of Innovation - showcasing solutions for real-world retail challenges

At the heart of our conversations at eTail Boston were the real challenges that today’s retailers are facing. Whether it’s unifying operations across multiple locations or finding better tools to boost sales and manage inventory, one thing became clear: retailers are looking for efficient, scalable solutions that streamline processes and drive growth.
From managing multiple store locations to juggling inventory and sales across different channels, the pain points were obvious - the need for one platform that connects online and in-store operations without adding complexity. And that’s where we came in. It was great to showcase how our platform can help retailers unify their operations and make running their business easier and simpler.



Thrilled to share and learn at the panels

A key highlight for us was seeing our Shoplazza sales team take the stage during several panel discussions. Topics ranged from creating the ideal digital experience to the evolving role of brick-and-mortar stores in today’s increasingly digital world. These sessions sparked new strategies and ideas around omnichannel retailing, customer-centric experiences, and personalization.
These panels weren’t just theoretical—they were packed with actionable insights. It was a reminder that the future of retail is all about personalized shopping experiences. People don’t just want to buy—they want to feel emotionally connected to the brands they support. And when you get that right, your customers become your biggest advocates.

Key takeaways from eTail Boston

  1. Omnichannel is the future: A seamless experience across online and in-store platforms isn’t just a “nice to have” anymore—it’s essential. Brands are focusing on providing a unified shopping journey, and our solutions that connect eCommerce and POS are uniquely positioned to help businesses achieve that.
  2. Customer-centric innovation: Everything from personalization to user experience is now about the customer. The importance of delivering experiences that not only meet expectations but anticipate needs was echoed in nearly every session and conversation we had. At Shoplazza, this customer-first mindset drives our feature development, ensuring merchants can adapt quickly to the needs of their shoppers.
  3. Scalability with automation for growth: At eTail Boston, it was clear that automation is a key driver in this process. Many businesses are currently focused on how automation streamlines operations and supports seamless growth, allowing businesses to scale efficiently without the usual friction. This insight highlights the importance of leveraging technology to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.



Looking ahead

To everyone who visited our booth and engaged with us, thank you! We’re excited to build on the connections made and the insights shared. Whether it was discussing the latest innovations or simply chatting about the future of retail over coffee, every interaction was a reminder that the future of eCommerce is bright—and we’re all in it together.



Join us on the journey

If you didn’t get a chance to catch us at eTail, don’t worry! We’re just getting started. Reach out to our team or explore how Shoplazza can be your partner in scaling your business, optimizing your operations, and creating exceptional shopping experiences. Let’s grow together.
Book a free demo


Sylvia Ye

Written by: Sylvia Ye

Sylvia Ye is a Marketing Manager at Shoplazza.